Organizational set-up

The LFMWB Programme is financed by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation – SDC and coordinated by Farmahem (acting as Regional Executive Agency (REA)) from Skopje, North Macedonia with backstopping support from Helvetas Swiss Intercooperation from Switzerland.

The LFMWB Programme operates under the steering of the SDC, while REA has a Programme management and coordinating role. REA works in close partnership with a diverse group of Programme partners and stakeholders, forging collaborative relationships with organizations such as the Regional Fire Monitoring Center (RFMC), Global Fire Monitoring Center (GFMC), Bern University of Applied Sciences BFH-HAFL, and a network of Country Partner Institutions located across the Western Balkans.

Within this collaboration, RFMC plays a pivotal role in implementing the Programme’s activities at both national and regional levels. They also engage in establishing synergies with other projects and initiatives on an international scale. The global outreach and landscape fire management (LFM) know-how are ensured by the Global Fire Monitoring Center (GFMC), based in Germany. HAFL has an advisory role and contributes with its expertise and managing connections and interactions with Swiss counterparts to support the Programme’s objectives.

At the national level, the relevant Ministries, serve as Country Partner Institutions (CPIs) within the Programme’s framework. These CPIs, represented by an appointed Country Focal Point (CFP) from the respective institution, play a vital role as anchor institutions.To reinforce their efforts, CFPs receive dedicated support from the Country Project Staff (CPS) engaged by the LFMWB Programme. This dynamic collaboration ensures the holistic promotion of landscape resilience and effective LFM approaches, contributing to the Programme’s overarching goals and objectives.


The LFMWB Programme Partners ensures a comprehensive and holistic approach to LFM in the Western Balkans, promoting sustainability, resilience, and the safeguarding of landscapes against fires at regional and national levels. Together, these collaborative efforts form the backbone of the Programme’s success in addressing landscape fires and their associated challenges in the WB region.

Programme Partners
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