The key legal acts and strategies related to landscape fires in Serbia include:
- Law on Fire Protection: Regulates the fire protection system and related responsibilities for various entities.
- Law on Disaster Risk Reduction and Emergency Situation Management: Addresses disaster preparedness, response, and climate change adaptation.
- Law on Forests: Governs forest conservation, management, and fire protection.
- Law on Agricultural Land: Deals with agricultural land planning and protection.
- Law on Environmental Protection: Establishes an integrated environmental protection system.
- Law on Nature Protection: Focuses on biological, geological, and landscape diversity conservation.
- Law on Voluntary Firefighting: Organizes volunteer firefighting efforts.
- Law on Local Self-Government: Defines the roles of local government in protection and rescue.
- Law on Public Enterprises: Regulates public enterprises and general interest activities.
- Fire Protection Strategy: Currently in preparation, this strategy outlines goals, criteria, and measures for fire protection.
- National Strategy for Protection and Rescue in Emergency Situations: A comprehensive document for disaster management.
- Defense Strategy of the Republic of Serbia: Guides defense resource allocation, including disaster response.
- Forest Development Strategy
- National Security Strategy
- Strategy of Agriculture and Rural Development
Other Bylaws and Regulations:
- Rulebook on forest order: Maintains forest order, especially in high-risk areas, and sets rules for forest access.
- Methodology on disaster risk assessment and protection and rescue plans preparation.
- Decree on mandatory means and equipment for protection against natural disasters.
- Decree on the Composition and Mode of Operation of Emergency Staffs.
- Rulebook on specialized civil protection units.
- Rulebook on fire protection organization by risk category.
- Rulebook on specific conditions for fire protection by legal entities.
- Regulation on the implementation of evacuation.
- Rulebook on the organization and content of fire protection plans.
- Nature protection program.
- Draft on Spatial Plan.
- Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) program.
- Draft on adaptation to climate change.
These legal acts and strategies collectively address various aspects of landscape fire prevention, preparedness, and response in Serbia.