SWOT Analysis

  • Existence of legal regulations, rules, programs, and plans
  • Existence of NZSPV
  • A large number of non-governmental organizations
  • Existence of planning documents that include measures to reduce the degree of fire risk.
  • Fire risk assessment at local and national levels
  • Established system for monitoring and early detection of fires
  • Existence of number 112 (number for emergency calls)
  • Good cooperation with the countries of the region
  • Existence of professionally trained staff for extinguishing forest fires
  • Large area of forest under state ownership (easier implementation of preventive and planning measures)
  • Monitoring and participation in global policies
  • Various sources of data related to forest fires
  • Aviation support from the Ministry of the Interior and the Army.
  • Conducting campaigns by all stakeholders in the fire management system
  • Established monitoring and early detection of fires through observatories built (towers) at key points
  • Natural hardly accessible areas
  • Non-existence of effective inter-institutional communication and coordination
  • Insufficient implementation of legal provisions
  • Disregarding the laws
  • Insufficient resources for the implementation of fire protection measures
  • Slow resolution of criminal or misdemeanor proceedings
  • Absence of a law on chimney sweeps
  • Insufficient human resources for Landscape fire management
  • Insufficient technical equipment
  • Population migration (internal village to city).
  • Pyromania and deliberate burning of land for economic gain
  • Insufficient number of volunteer firefighting units
  • Absence of a National Landscape Fire Management Plan
  • Overlapping legal competencies of the institutions
  • Owners of private forests are not included in the Landscape Fire Management
  • Absence of a unified methodology for collecting data on landscape fires


  • MKFFIS established
  • Raising public awareness through campaigns, trainings, and education
  • Increasing investments in planning and prevention in the Landscape fire Management
  • Afforestation with species that are more resistant to fires.
  • Harmonization of legal provisions
  • Introducing an efficient system for sanctioning the perpetrators
  • Respecting the hierarchical system for executing procedures
  • Use of financial resources from international funds
  • Use of financial resources from the rural development programmes
  • Climate change
  • Political instability in the country and the region
  • Geomorphological features
  • Illegal activities in and outside the forest
  • Demography (migrations in and out of the country)
  • Lack of financial resources
  • Surfaces covered with explosive substances (mines, bombs, etc.), especially in the southern part of the country.
  • Insufficient number of fire management experts, practitioners, and researchers.
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