Empowering Progress: LFMWB Programme’s Third Partner Meeting Marks Milestones


Empowering Progress: LFMWB Programme’s Third Partner Meeting Marks Milestones

Farmahem, acting as the Regional Executive Agency (REA) for the Landscape Fire Management in the Western Balkans (LFMWB) Programme, funded by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), hosted the third Partner meeting. This meeting serves as a crucial steering mechanism for the Programme and was held on the 19th of September 2023, in Berovo, North Macedonia.

The meeting provided an opportunity for Programme partners to review accomplishments from the first half of the year and gain insights into the current status of the Programme. It also featured an overview of the Annual Operational Plan for the second half of 2023.

Notable attendees included representatives from SDC, the Embassy of Switzerland in North Macedonia, Country Partner Institutions (CPI) from Banja Luka, Belgrade, Podgorica, Tirana (participating virtually), Sarajevo, Prishtina, the Regional Fire Monitoring Center (RFMC), the Global Fire Monitoring Center (GFMC), the School of Agricultural, Forest and Food Sciences (HAFL), Farmahem, and Helvetas.

Ms. Carmen Thönnissen, Regional Advisor for Water and Environment at the Embassy of Switzerland in North Macedonia, expressed her appreciation for the dedication of Programme partners and the establishment of a strong foundation for the LFMWB Programme in the Western Balkans. She highlighted the importance of global exposure through participation in the 8th International Wildland Fire Conference in Porto and the development of Country reports with LFM guidelines.

Furthermore, Mr. Cvetan Nikolovski, the Team Leader of the LFMWB Programme, presented the agenda for the Partner meeting. He also shared key achievements of the Programme in 2023, including capacity-building training on various topics for RFMC, Country Focal Points, and Country Project Staff, the ongoing development of Country reports with LFM guidelines and the establishment of regional and national LFM networks.

Mr. Nikolovski explained that the Programme gained international recognition at the 8th International Wildland Fire Conference, and established the regional LFM network, and the national LFM networks. Furthermore, he pointed out that the knowledge platform for science-practice-policy exchange is currently in the process of being established through the LFM website.

Ms. Marija Sterjovska, LFMWB Programme Officer, presented the Semi-annual operational plan for the second half of 2023, outlining activities and expected timelines. Notable activities include the development of country reports with LFM guidelines, the establishment of a competitive fund for community-based projects, and the development of the LFM knowledge platform.

With a shared commitment to fostering resilience and sustainable landscape fire management, the LFMWB Programme partners look forward to a future of continued progress and positive impact in the Western Balkans.

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